Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
寫書不容易,出版一本書更是要花費許多心力。讓我們一起向這些偉大的作者、譯者與編輯,致上最高的敬意。 一本好書,不僅內容豐富精彩,文筆生動流暢、深入淺出地具有高可讀性,在讀過後還有一種「讚嘆」的感覺,讓你對世界的認識又提升了一層。 整理了幾本書值得你一看
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (New Series) is an annual publication designed to disseminate developments in the area of investment analysis and portfolio management. The publication is a forum for statistical and quantitative analyses of issues in security analysis, portfolio management, options, futures, and other related issues. The objective is to promote interaction between academic research in finance, economics, and accounting and applied research in the financial community.
The chapters in this volume cover a wider range of topics including equity markets, risk return trade-off analysis and portfolio management, and IPOs. In this volume there are 10 chapters, four of them analyze the issues of equity markets: 1. Revisiting U.S. Stock Market Returns: Individual Retirement Accounts; 2. Asset Returns and Monetary Policy in the Emerging Taiwan Financial Markets; 3. On the Intradaily Relationship between Information Revelation and Trade Duration: The Evidence of MSCI Taiwan Stock Index Futures; and 4. Does the Net Flow of Funds Help to Predict the S&P 500 Index? Four of the other six chapters discuss risk return trade-off analysis and portfolio management: 1. An Intertemporal Analysis of Optimal International Asset Allocation; 2. Complexity and the Performance of Investment Portfolios; 3. The Similarity Between Mean-Variance and Mean-Gini: Testing for Equality of Gini Correlations; 4. Estimating Capital Market Parameters: CRSP Versus Yahoo Data.
The remaining two papers are related to IPOs: 1. Distinguishing Quality within the IPO Market and 2. Do IPO Firms have Lower Risk? Evidence from IPO Performance in Different States of the World? In sum, this annual publication covers equity markets, IPO, risk return trade-off analysis, and portfolio management. Therefore, the material covered in this publication is not only useful for academicians and but also for practitioners in the area of Finance.
Center for Pacific Basin, Business, Economics, and Finance Research
James S. Ang The Florida State University, U.S.A.
Christopher B. Barry Texas Christian University, U.S.A.
Stephen J. Brown New York University, U.S.A.
Edwin Burmeister Duke University, U.S.A.
Carl R. Chen The University of Dayton, U.S.A.
Ren-Raw Chen Rutgers University, U.S.A.
Son N. Chen National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Cheol S. Eun Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Jack C. Francis Baruch College, U.S.A.
Chin-Wen Hsin Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
Ping Hsiao San Francisco State University, U.S.A.
Dong Cheol Kim Rutgers University, U.S.A.
Stanley J. Kon Smith-Breedan Associate, Inc., U.S.A.
Yun Lin National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Scott C. Linn University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.
William T. Moore University of South Carolina, U.S.A.
R. Richardson Petti University of Houston, U.S.A.
C. W. Sealy University of North Carolina –Charlotte, U.S.A
書 名: 2015新社花海:繽紛十年 花漾臺中 活動成果專輯 將本年度的花海活動彙集成冊,位各個參與單位的付出心血留下紀錄。 |
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